The Dicksons Network, Sequitur ab Origine

Sequitur ab Origine

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Last Updated 23 January 2008

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We Dicksons and other families that have association through marriage are many, and there are links all over the world-wide-web as befits a family that now spans the globe!

If you reached here from another of the web sites within the network, you may already be familiar with the richness of the information available, but, if this is your first entrance into The Dicksons Network, then do explore.

This specific site is still very much under construction, however some content is already "live"and provides some great information. There is a tutorial for applying family history research in Great Britain with some simple practical explanations on what is available and how to find it.

There are some great search engines on this site, make sure you check them out!

One of the more adventurous steps I have introduced is the creation of the Recommended Books pages. These are books that I have on my bookshelf and that I use regularly to assist my research activity. I have provided a personal view point on their effectiveness and who they would really help, I have even searched out hyperlinks to commercial websites in case you too would like to add one of the books to your own bookshelves.

If you have not already had an opportunity to discover what THE DICKSONS NETWORK is all about, just click our crest on this page.

Check out the links and Enjoy!

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