The Dicksons Network, Sequitur ab Origine

Sequitur ab Origine

Search for transported Irish Convicts during the period 1788 to 1868

From this page you can have direct access to the National Archives of Ireland and can search the 'Transportation of Convicts' records database. These record the name, age, date & county of trial, crime and sentence. Sometimes the transport ship or place of detention are given.

Please note the following points.

All transportation register records created before 1836 were destroyed so if your ancestors were convicted or transported before 1836 they will not be on this database.

However, if your ancestor petitioned for a pardon or commutation of sentence between 1791 and 1836 then the petition record may still be in the database.

The search engine resides on the web site of the National Archives of Ireland so after your search you have the choice of exploring the rest of the National Archives Site (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) or coming back here by using your browser 'back' button.


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Note : Each record is approximately 1 Kb